
The Life Skills Collaborative aims to help organisations, institutions, and government agencies in transforming the learning ecosystem, so that young people can thrive. LSC will build a Life Skills platform for India which will build the following:


Awareness in the area of Life Skills by listening to voices of different stakeholders on their needs and understanding aspirations, to ensure that current provisions match their aspirations, and to provide inputs which can drive government engagement and action.

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A contextual glossary - or a set of terms and definitions - making it easier to understand the different terms that are used today, and to evolve a common vocabulary to purposefully develop Life Skills in India.

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A set of assessment tools focusing on skills in adolescents in the age group of 11-18 years. We are also building assessment tools to measure teacher and system readiness to implement Life Skill-related interventions.

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Voices is a nationwide engagement with youth, parents and teachers to capture their voices and translate them to insights that can drive the integration of Life Skills within public education systems. Voices aims to achieve the following

  • Make the case for WHY:
    Use these voices to get governments to see the ground up need for life skills and inform Government action

  • Build rich contextual definitions for life skills:
    Capture how young people across the country see and understand life skills

  • Serve as input to government programs:
    Use these definitions from the ground to help state define its focus, assessments & programs

  • Engagement with NGOs/CSOs:
    Share inputs with NGOs on what skills children, young people consider important to succeed in life to enable them to integrate VFG's recommendations in their ongoing / upcoming  interventions

These insights will be disseminated to young adults, donors, governments, employers, parents, teachers, ITIs and higher education institutions, and NGOs and other stakeholders in the Life Skills ecosystem.

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This track will create a set of definitions that serves as the vocabulary to discuss life skills in India and will be established as the foundation for discussing and aligning on outcomes, designing assessments across community, practitioners and government.

  • The Glossary will be built based on the existing work that has been done globally, regionally (in developing countries), and in India around life skills

  • A Core Glossary will be created by conducting literature review, mapping of existing frameworks and classifications and interviewing both international and Indian experts in this field

  • The Contextual Glossary will be created based on inputs from the Voices track, thus including local and cultural context into the definitions.

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The track will focus on creation, establishment and dissemination of assessments repository for adolescents, teachers, and the system over the next three years, which will be built on the foundation of Glossary.

  • At the adolescent level, the track will assess the students capacities and strengths in the age groups 11-14 years and 15-18 years; at the teacher level, it will assess the ability of the teacher to foster life skills in an adolescent; at the system level, it will assess the readiness of the system to deliver Life Skills.

  • The goal of the initiative is NOT to build one universal assessment for life skills but build the right fit set of assessments.

  • It will be contextualised and adapted to local contexts and needs.

  • It will take into account the nuances of the geography, language and cultural context and will focus on a few key outcomes based on the prioritisation by the context and stakeholders (E.g. NEP, Governments, Practitioners).

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"The educational systems should rely on three solid foundations: enhancing values, life skills, and formal educational curriculum. Each of these bases completes the other, none of them can stand on its own. "

- Noora Ahmed Alsuwaidi
