Mrs. Kavita Pathak is a well-known name of Rajasthan Administrative Service. She has 22 years of administrative experience. Now she is the Director of RSCERT and taking the lead in academic work of Rajasthan, especially in Teacher Education, Curriculum and Research previously she held the post of DIG Registration and Stamps Revenue Department, Deputy Director of Harish Chandra Mathur stale Institute of Public Administration and completed various innovation and administrative training.
The Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology improved in ranking of the university from 51 to 26 position in agriculture universities of the nation as Registrar.
During the service, she completed the confidential and risky work of the Additional Commissioner, Excise very successfully.
"The educational systems should rely on three solid foundations: enhancing values, life skills, and formal educational curriculum. Each of these bases completes the other, none of them can stand on its own. "